J5 Psychic: Trauma & Sexual Abuse Healing

J5 Psychic @ Connecting Consciousness In Person Meet-up (Jonesboro)! Register before attending, its free.

The Truck Patch Natural Market 906 southwest dr, Jonesboro, AR, United States

Connecting Consciousness (CC) is a grassroots organization where people join who recognize, that the development on this planet is not always aligned with the benefit of mankind, that global events are also embedded into other contexts than they are generally presented, and that the forces acting behind the visible level often have more dimensions than …

J5 Psychic @ Connecting Consciousness In Person Meet-up (Jonesboro)! Register before attending, its free. Read More »

J5 Psychic @ Gypsy Soul Fair – Fort Smith

Fort Smith Convention Center 55 S. 7th St, Fort Smith, AR, United States

Come visit me in Fort Smith! I'll be one of the vendors set up at the spiritual festival doing readings and energetic trauma healings. Gypsy Soul Fair admission is at the door, $6 cash or $8 w/ credit card. September 17 and 18th, 10am - 5pm -J5 Psychic